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Adafruit Ultimate Gps Breakout - 66 Channel W/10 Hz Updates [Ada746]

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Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout - 66 channel w/10 Hz updates [ADA746]

  • -165 dBm sensitivity, 10 Hz updates, 66 channels, Built-in datalogging
  • 5V friendly design and only 20mA current draw
  • Breadboard friendly + 2 mounting holes
  • Fully assembled and tested module

Buy Now : Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout - 66 channel w/10 Hz updates [ADA746]

Brand : Adafruit
Category : Electronics,GPS, Finders & Accessories,GPS Trackers
Rating : 4.5
ListPrice : US $31.99
Price : US $29.9
Review Count : 207

adafruit ultimate gps breakout 66 channel w10 hz updates ada746
adafruit ultimate gps breakout 66 channel w10 hz updates ada746

Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout - 66 channel w/10 Hz updates [ADA746]

  • UPDATE:I\'ve had time to continue to collect various data points and program this and a NEO-6M (both in CircuitPython/Python and Arduino\'s C/C++. I\'ve decided the Adafruit Ultimate GPS is decent for most beginner projects (Adafruit\'s goal as I\'ve read from them....I\'m certainly a huge fan!).In Western Washington, it closely meets its\' spec of being within 3 meters when I\'m in a cul-de-sac without trees or buildings for 10-12 meters. I had one-time, single position under 2 meters, but this is a single data point from many. Generally, it seems to put me about 6-10 meters from where I actually am for this region.In the Great Flat Plains of Kansas, where the only thing in sight is the edge of the Earth in all directions, it is better being within 2 meters.Taking the same positions from my NEO-6M, the NEO-6M just puts me spot on (<1m) with every data point in Kansas and within 2-3 meter\'s from some of the difficult places in Western Washington.Having spent several hours programming both, I think the CircuitPython makes the Ultimate GPS a super product to get going. There might be better accurate data from this device as NMEA sentence it pulls data from, the GPS position is slightly different than at least one other sentence. This might be why the NEO-6M presents better, the CircuitPython pulls the information from a different NMEA sentence on the NEO-6M. My to-do list is to compare the sentence information from the same chip.Original Review:This took a couple hours to get setup using CircuitPython on a Feather M0 Basic.It doesn\'t pick any signal up inside (unlike NEO-6M I also purchased). Once outside, it took a while to pick up signal, but was extremely stable in the location values it produced (where as the NEO-6M picked up immediately, although its\' values had some flutter to them).I\'m looking forward to using both.
  • Having a battery on-board helps greatly reduce the time to acquiring satellites.20 minutes (indoors) w/o, and 30 seconds (indoors) with the battery already in place.Performs nicely.
  • Easy to use, just power it up and go. Couldn’t get a lock with clear line of sight to the sky until I added an antenna, then it worked well.
  • Setting up with Raspberry Pi 4B and DietPi with Tunerstudio for Speedometer of PiDash. VIN (GPS) to 3.3V on Pi, GND (GPS) to ground on Pi, RX (GPS) to TX on Pi, TX (GPS) to RX on Pi. Use DietPi-Config / option 4 : Advanced Options / Serial/UART to make sure ttyS0 console is off and ttyS0 (mini UART) device is on. I used CuteCom to set the baud to 115200 and refresh rate to 10Hz. Default GPS unit is 9600 baud and 1Hz. Start with CuteCom set to 9600 and send $PMTK251,115200*1F to change baud. Change CuteCom to 115200 baud and send $PMTK220,100*2F to change refresh to 10Hz. Make sure you have the battery backup installed in the GPS or else it will revert back when powered off. In Tunerstudio Beta (there was a problem with GPS which I don\'t know is fixed in the stable release yet) use Communications/ GPS Configuration to set up. See pic for details. I am using it with an external antenna so I can\'t comment on the internal one.
  • As usual adafruit delivers with quality hardware and solid instructions/software to help you use it.I\'m using this product with a Raspberry Pi3...follow the instructions for setup with RPi on the Adafruit website (use gpds daemon and the python \'gpsd\' module. I\'m using this as gps input for a python script running on the RPi.Two CONS:1. You will get the best results with an external active GPS antenna. With the \'hot start\' the unit gets a gps lock in less than 30 seconds.2. The lithium-ion battery that the uses is NOT something that is at every corner drugstore. You\'ll have to go to a battery specialist, or order online if that is an option.
  • Oh Adafruit. You guys are such an inspiration, such an exciting and positive force in the world, why in the world do you create this cute little product in your ecosystem of cute little products, and use a mediocre GPS chipset? In reading your writeup on this product, your coolness and excitement (as always) was contagious, and I looked forward to evaluating it with the handful of other receivers I just bought for my project. I liked the nice breakout, the included header pins and battery clip (but...considering how much you are overcharging you could have included the battery, that became another $7 purchase from Amazon and a 4 day wait to get it, we don\'t just have these lying around you know and you can\'t find them in stores!), the antenna connector, and most importantly the PPS hardware pulse output! I was surprised you didn\'t have a more common U-blox receiver, but figured you had good reasons.Apparently not. I just evaluated 3 different comparable form factor U-blox 7 receivers, a U-blox 8 receiver, and lastly the \"Ultimate\" Adafruit receiver (since I had to wait for the battery to arrive...). My testing was all on my kitchen counter, deliberately as a stress test. All the U-blox receivers came up within 30 seconds cold (I don\'t think they have a backup battery). Since the U-blox 7 receivers can only do one band at a time, they had less satellites, higher DoPs, but still came in over an hour or so with a 3D position scatterplot over within ~10m. The U-blox 8 receiver was amazingly better, came up again in ~30 seconds, quickly added a bunch of GNSS satellites to track (it can do 3 bands at once), and a long term 3D position scatterplot that was almost entirely within ~5m, occasionally wandering out to ~7m.I finally got my Adafruit receiver soldered to a serial adapter, put the battery in, installed the serial drivers, and up it came! The red light blinked once per second, meaning it was in acquisition. It stayed like this for at least 5 minutes, then finally got a tracking solution, really weak, 4 satellites. After a while it got to 8, and I turned on the data collection again and let it run for an hour. OMG, it was all over the place, mostly within ~15m but frequently wandering out to >20m. See the pictures attached--note the scale had to be changed to contain the \"Ultimate GPS Receiver\".Well, I\'m obviously not using the Adafruit receiver in my project. It\'s big, expensive, and sucks. Oh, the power consumption of all these receivers powered from 5V USB (probably wasting some here) was all about the same, but optimizing might change this result.My closing plea to Adafruit is this--I love your company! You seem quite successful now. Whatever your original reasons were, please consider upgrading to a state of the art GPS receiver. While you are at it, how about considering a fused board containing GNSS and some inertial sensors into a single processor with reference implementation of fused localization and attitude?! :) And most importantly, consider using your power for a little more good, perhaps if you didn\'t mark your products up 100% you would sell more of the them, and have impact on even more young makers!

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